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In the spring of 1912 a number of families became interested in establishing a Lutheran Congregation in Allen where there was only one Protestant Church. Arrangements were made for Rev. C.H. Lewis of Ponca to preach at the Town Hall on June 22, 1912. All accounts refer to the extreme heat of the day but the churchgoers were not discouraged. In a few weeks they began holding services in the driveway of the Superior Lumber Co. Warehouse. Later that fall the meeting place was moved to the schoolhouse.


On July 28th, 1912, sixty-six persons signed a constitution for organization and plans for a building were begun. Mr. H.C. Heckt was chairman of the committee. The construction was done by H.R. Hill, contractor and builder, on a parcel of land donated by Mr. and Mrs. William Clough. The cornerstone was laid on September twenty-ninth. By February 16 of 1913 the new building was complete and Rev. Lewis preached his final sermon for the congregation.


On the second of March the church was dedicated. That evening Rev. G.W. Livers was installed as the first pastor.


In October of 1914 the congregation entertained the forty second annual convention of the Lutheran Synod of Nebraska. Ninety visitors, many of them arriving by special car on the Burlington Railroad, were housed by parishioners. 


Barely a year passed before the congregation began another major undertaking – the building of a parsonage. In recognition of their efforts in furnishing the new church, the ladies were afforded the privilege of breaking ground. Work was completed December 23, 1915- just fifteen weeks from the day of groundbreaking.


The congregation observed its thirtieth anniversary on July 26, 1942. Dr. Fred C. Wiegman, President of Midland College was speaker for the special services. A basket dinner followed at noon.


A Golden Anniversary banquet was held September 30, 1962. The speaker was Rev. Paul Wharton, the only member of the congregation to enter the ministry. Mr. Wharton was also the first infant baptized in the new church building.


On February 1, 1967, First Lutheran joined with Concordia Lutheran to became a dual parish of two congregations sharing the same pastor.  Pastor John C. Erlandson was the pastor at the time.  The theme for the sister congregations:  THE JOINT EFFORT of God's people in this time and in this place.


In 2012 First Lutheran celebrated 100 years of existence. First Lutheran is strong and continuing to grow with our foundation set firmly on the love that God has for us and for all the world, the member of our church have been actively engaged in ministry for over the past 100 years. We have supported one another through suffering, celebrated with one another in times of joy, and give ourselves for the sake of God’s mission in our world.  The spirit is alive at First Lutheran Church. Thanks be to God for the ministry of First Lutheran Church over the past 100 years, and thanks be to God for God’s continuing presence and guidance as we embark on yet another 100 years of wonderful ministry together.

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